
Some phenomenal occurrences of high precipitation in upper part of the Gulf of Thailand and coastal areas.

Some phenomenal occurrences of high precipitation in upper part of the Gulf of Thailand and coastal areas.  By M.L. Chi-ti-tewan Devakul For the central part of Thailand, seasonally when the wet Southwest Monsoon, which starts about late May or June, fades away at around the end of October each year and the tropical winter begins gradually late in November. The real Northeast Monsoon slowly starts to fill in with higher atmospheric pressure cooler air mass just around December to January and gets more weaker in February until March and as late as around the middle of April. As a result a time period of late February, March, April or as late as nearly the middle of May is the transitioning time, in ways of quite oscilating and swinging and overlapping as well as crossing and mixing up perhaps likely under the influence of climate change, transitioning from winter to summer months of March and April to about the middle of May. And this is when the rainy season reboots itself gradually